Marcelo Corazza, the former Big Brother accused of corruption of minors, is released from prison

The Justice granted the release of the first winner of the Argentine version of the television program. Big Brother, Marcelo Corazza, who was arrested in a case for corruption of minors. This was reported by judicial sources to Télam, based on the disposition of Federal Judge Ariel Lijo, who determined that he be monitored through an electronic bracelet and that as other conditions he should not be absent for more than 24 hours away from his home, nor leave the country.” The immediate release of the named person is ordered, which will be effective on the day of the date from the Central Department of the Argentine Federal Police and if there is no impediment on the part of another Court, he must appear in this court within 72 hours for the purpose of drawing up the corresponding record,” details the resolution signed by the magistrate. You may also be interested in: Marcelo Corazza turned himself in and is arrested again for the cause of corruption of minors”The truth is that the factual and evidentiary scenario gathered to date around Corazza, allows us to affirm that – for the moment – there is no evidentiary measure in progress that he could hinder in order to favor his procedural situation,” determined the judge, based on the formulations that had been presented by prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Marcelo Colombo.” Meanwhile, according to what was provided by the media, “the magistrate charged” Corazza with an act for which he had been investigated days ago in the framework of the case in which an alleged criminal gang accused of child abuse is being investigated for several cases. Corazza at the time of his arrest.” I consider that Corazza promoted the corruption of the victim insofar as, from his depraved proposals, he began the corruption of the victim, who had never carried out actions of this type for money and had never been sexually linked with another man. Since it has been confirmed that he knew the age of the victim, I assume that Corazza was aware that the unlawful acts he carried out were likely to corrupt her. Since the victim was 17 years old at the time the unlawful conduct on the part of the accused began to unfold, there is no doubt that she must be admitted as such. On the other hand, as can be seen, evidently the different proposals made by Corazza to the victim were negative for his normal development,” the ruling highlights.In any case of violation of the privacy and rights of children and adolescents, contact the free and confidential 102 line, which provides specialized attention.

Original source in Spanish

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