Biden hands over APEC presidency to Dina Boluarte

Morelia, Michoacán. – U.S. President Biden concluded the activities of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum on Friday and handed over leadership of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to Peruvian President Dina Boluarte.
The forum, which brought together several world leaders in San Francisco, California, concluded with participants pledging to continue addressing the issues of climate change and the energy transition.
“These present economies, the leaders, have this high responsibility to work on that development and in that search to take better care of our home, our planet earth,” Boluarte said when speaking about the edition of the summit that her country will organize in 2024.
The forum was marked by a previous meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping, in which the U.S. president expressed his desire to build better relations with China.
However, Joe Biden later reiterated that his Chinese counterpart was a dictator.
The summit was also attended by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Xi Jinping of China, Gustavo Petro of Colombia, Gabriel Boric of Chile, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others.
At the conclusion of his activities, Joe Biden thanked world leaders for their efforts to combat climate change and start the transition to clean energy.
The APEC forum was also attended by the president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, despite the fact that López Obrador had threatened in September that he would not attend the event if she attended.
“I’m not going to San Francisco because we don’t have relations with Peru and it’s to see the Asia-Pacific thing and we don’t want to participate in that, with all due respect,” he said.
For López Obrador, the forum served as a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
López Obrador and U.S. President Joe Biden met before the shutdown to discuss issues such as immigration, fentanyl trafficking, security and trade.

Original source in Spanish

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