Man arrested for death threats against Milei

A man who is suspected of threatening to kill President Javier Milei and planting bombs in government buildings, was arrested in the last few hours by police officers Federal.La apprehension of the 48-year-old man took place at his home in the Buenos Aires town of Rafael Castillo, after a raid carried out by agents of the Constitutional Crimes Division of the Superintendence of Investigations Federales.La investigation began after a series of of intimidating telephone calls, in which the National Federal Criminal and Correctional Court number 4, in charge of Ariel Lijo, intervened before the Secretariat number 7 of Diego Arce. The common denominator of the action was that the suspect made the different calls to the 911 Central of the city of La Plata, always responding to the same modus operandi: after starting the communication, he insulted and insulted the operator who attended him and then threatened Milei and official bodies, such as the Casa Rosada and the National Congress. Sources of the investigation revealed that five threats of these characteristics were identified during different days and times, at the same time that the address of the material author was established, located in Rafael Castillo.With all the data provided by the investigators, the intervening magistrate ordered the search of the farm where they arrested the subject and seized elements of interest for the case. The detainee was placed at the disposal of the judge under a case entitled “Public Intimidation”.

Original source in Spanish

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