Adorni Responds to Moyano on Inflation: “What He Can Say Doesn’t Matter Too Much to Us”

After the co-head of the CGT, Pablo Moyano, questioned the inflation published by INDEC, the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, responded: “What you can say about a technical report does not matter much to us because of the lack of coherence in its line of action and because in the end, when INDEC did indeed have many things to observe, it did not say anything either.” We see how the President has become radicalized with the man of work. Yesterday celebrating a drawing made by Mr. (Marco) Lavagna through INDEC. Nobody believes in that 13.2%,” Moyano said. I take it as a comment, perhaps from someone who stays up late and gives some comment without much technical support,” Adorni began when asked about the issue during his morning press conference at Casa Rosada. But I invite you, of course, to try to meet with (Marcos) Lavagna and the rest of the INDEC technicians to explain any doubts you may have about the inflation index. We invite him, of course, to instruct himself,” the spokesperson added. You may also be interested in: “Pablo Moyano questioned the 13.2% inflation reported by INDEC”Adorni continued to shoot at the truck driver and stated that “he was silent against a 1,000 percent accumulated inflation of Alberto Fernández and did not make a single general strike during the last four years of government.”

Original source in Spanish

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