Director of OOAPAS –

Morelia, Michoacán.- False and tendentious, this is how the director of the OOAPAS, Oswaldo Rodríguez Gutiérrez, described the statements of the director of the Benito Juárez Zoological Park, since he intends to hold the operating agency responsible for a water leak inside this enclosure and whose problem was derived by the state official himself, they reported in a statement. As context, he explained that the rainwater channel that crosses the Zoo facilities contains water that is regularly monitored from the Santa María area by the Department of Water Quality of the OOAPAS, despite the fact that the National Water Commission is responsible for monitoring the conditions of this channel, and the administration of the Park, You must maintain the section of canal that crosses your facility to keep it free of obstructions. He reported that on Monday morning, UNOPAS personnel carried out a review of the canal, as part of the monitoring work being carried out in the area and not as part of a schedule that the state official affirms; In this tour, a blockage was detected as a result of the waste thrown by this enclosure, however, surprisingly the park staff did not allow the workers to enter to remove the garbage, so municipal workers had to open the street on Calzada Juárez to drain the water. It should be noted that the Park’s administration keeps the canal open-air, in addition to the fact that it is not cleaned or preventively desilted, causing a source of infection for animals, workers and visitors. In this omission, coupled with the fact that they do not check the quality of the discharges they generate and release, the Zoo does not pay fees for the use of water. In this regard, Oswaldo Rodríguez stressed that it is false that the OOAPAS has responsibility for this problem that was caused by the same administration of the Zoological Park, he also stressed that the water that flows through the canal before access to the enclosure, does not represent any risk to health, however, the water that they throw after, if it could affect the integrity of the citizenry. Finally, he urged the director of the zoo to present the complaints that he anticipates in order to also demonstrate in that instance who is right.

Original source in Spanish

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