Citizen complaints will be responded to due to Arantepacua’s demonstration: Government –

Morelia, Michoacán.- While assuring that the Michoacán government will respond to citizen complaints about damages carried out during the last demonstration of community members of Arantepacua, the state executive, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, considered that the people of Arantepacua are upset by the candidacies for positions of popular election of those who were state authorities when the attack took place in their community seven years ago. In his weekly press conference, the state governor pointed out that they understand the discouragement among the residents who demonstrated last Friday in the city of Morelia, due to this situation since the candidacies are given despite the involvement and knowledge of the facts by authorities such as the National Human Rights Commission. He highlighted the call for all demonstrations to be carried out peacefully and above all not to harm third parties. There was violence, he admitted and pointed out that that’s why they had to act.” We had to act, we were very prudent because we are not in any way repressors, nor do we intend to use public force,” he pointed out about his action to the events at the time that the demonstrators intended to set fire to a soft drink truck at the door of the Government Palace. They are Silvano Aureoles Conejo, former governor of the state who is now seeking federal deputation to the district of Zitácuaro for the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition, as well as Juan Bernardo Corona, former secretary of public security at the time and now a candidate for alderman for the same coalition.

Original source in Spanish

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