Increases: What Are the Foods That Led Inflation in March

The constant increase in food prices continues to be one of the main concerns for Argentines, who see their purchasing power affected month after month. In March, this trend did not let up, with the Food and non-alcoholic beverages category being the main responsible for keeping inflation at high levels. With an increase of 10.5%, this sector was below the general average of 11% recorded by the Consumer Price Index (CPI-Cost of Living) in the third month of the year, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec). However, despite this slight decrease in general inflation, food and non-alcoholic beverages continue to have a strong impact on the family budget, occupying eighth place in the ranking of items that increased the most. Since Javier Milei assumed the presidency, this sector has maintained an upward trend. In December of the previous year, food prices soared by 29.7%, followed by an increase of 20.4% in January and 11.9% in February. Despite these discouraging figures, projections from both the private sector and the government agreed that a downward trend in inflation was consolidated during the month of March. While this slowdown is a positive sign, it is insufficient to counteract the negative impact that rising prices have had on the domestic economy of Argentines in recent months.

Original source in Spanish

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