Daniela De Los Santos calls for preserving peace in the electoral process – MonitorExpresso.com

Morelia, Michoacán.- The Candidate for Local Deputy for District 17 of Morelia, Michoacán, Daniela De Los Santos Torres, made an urgent call to all the candidates of the different political parties to be an example of peace and sanity during the current electoral process, as reported in a statement. In a context where political violence has permeated much of the state and the country, De Los Santos emphasized the imperative need to avoid aggression and prioritize constructive dialogue. During our tours we have witnessed the tiredness and disillusionment of the people in the face of campaigns lacking proposals and, unfortunately, marked by episodes of violence,” said De Los Santos. It is critical that as candidates, we commit to dialogue with our people, to promote mutual respect, and to prioritize the exchange of ideas rather than violence.” The candidate highlighted a recent incident between brigade members of two political parties on a cruise ship, stressing that we cannot allow the violence, which already seriously afflicts the citizenry, to be reproduced even more among the candidates themselves. “We must be an example of civility and tolerance, and show that politics is about building a better future for all,” concluded Daniela De Los Santos.

Original source in Spanish

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