Nicolas Posse reappeared at a party at the Italian Embassy

The Chief of Cabinet, Guillermo Francos, appeared together with his predecessor, Nicolás Posse, at a celebration held by the Italian Embassy in Argentina, which represented a political gesture within the Government.The meeting took place within the framework of the party held by the diplomatic representation on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Italia.La presence of the new coordinating minister and the affectionate greeting with his predecessor, who stepped aside days ago in the midst of rumors about strong short circuits with President Javier Milei and even of having promoted illegal espionage on officials, was quite a message, one that is in tune with the image of a man of dialogue that Francos has. to participate in the G7 summit. Other leaders of La Libertad Avanza were also present at the event held at the mansion on Avenida del Libertador and Billinghurst, such as the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, and the Secretary of Culture, Leonardo Cifelli, according to Clarín. the Attorney General of the Treasury, Rodolfo Barra; and the director of the Colón, Jorge Telerman; among others.” The link between Italy and Argentina is more than a story of migration: it is a story of shared values, such as peace, freedom and democracy,” said Ambassador Fabrizio Lucentini during the “Festa della Repubblica”.

Original source in Spanish

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