The Government made official the appointment of a libertarian tweeter as Director of Digital Communication

Through Decree 482/2024, the appointment of Juan Pablo Carreira as National Director of Digital Communication of the Presidency of the Nation was made official on Tuesday. He is the Twitter user known on the social network X – formerly Twitter – as Juan Doe, editor of the site “The Right Diary” and activist of La Libertad Avanza. The appointment is of a transitional nature, starting on April 10, and for a term of 180 days. The resolution, published today in the Official Gazette with the signatures of President Javier Milei and the Chief of Cabinet, Guillermo Francos, underlines the need to temporarily fill the vacant position of National Director of Digital Communication, belonging to the Undersecretary of Government Spokesperson and Communication of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, in charge of Karina Milei. In addition, it is clarified that this designation will not imply the use of extraordinary resources. While Carreira’s appointment was formalized on Tuesday, it was announced at the end of February. “I have the honor to tell you that I will soon be taking over as Director General of Digital Communication of the Presidency. After 2 months of work putting together an impressive team, having been a cog in the best campaign in history and 8 years convinced that we saved this country, it is time to enter the field,” said the new official on his X account. “I prepared my whole life for this moment,” Topped. However, in 2022, Carreira himself stated that he was not interested in working in the State.The area of communication underwent several changes in the initial stage of the libertarian administration. A few weeks after Javier Milei assumed the presidency of the Nation, Belén Stettler and Eduardo Roust left the Secretariat of Media and the Undersecretary of Communication, respectively. In their place, journalists Eduardo Serenellini and Javier Lanari, from the LN+ news channel, joined the official structure

Original source in Spanish

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