The Undersecretary for Protection against Gender Violence resigned

Claudia Barcia, head of the Undersecretary for Protection against Gender Violence, resigned from her position on Thursday, which for just two weeks has been under the Ministry of Justice of the Nation.In a presentation addressed to the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, the now former Undersecretary said: “I am writing to you in order to let you know that yesterday I received a WhatsApp call at 7:57 p.m. from the Secretary of Human Rights, Alberto Baños, through which he informed me that the Undersecretariat for Protection against Gender Violence, which is under the hierarchical orbit of the Secretariat of Justice of the Ministry of Justice in accordance with decrees No. 450 and 451/24, will cease to exist.”
Meanwhile, the ministry headed by Mariano Cúneo Libarona replied to this media that the area is in “restructuring”. And they continued: “At present, the ministry is in the stage of evaluating the programs and the structure of said undersecretariat, for the normal development of actions aimed at compliance with current regulations under the criteria of effectiveness and efficiency of the public policies to be developed. The missions and programs will continue in accordance with the legal provisions and the conventional mandates.”

Original source in Spanish

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