Fires in Uruapan controlled; Actions to suffocate assets are reinforced: State Government –

Uruapan, Michoacán. – Of the four forest fires that were reported in Uruapan, the fires in the Zapién hill and the town of La Carátacua have already been extinguished, while the fires in the Chino hill-mountain area of the Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park and Cerro de la Cruz are 95 percent controlled, as announced by the State Government. through a statement. In a meeting to evaluate the forest fires, Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla was informed of the application of the DN-III Plan with the support of the helicopter in charge of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), to put out the fire and avoid risks to the population and greater losses of natural resources. It was explained that yesterday the aircraft made 17 water discharges and this Thursday they add another six to reinforce the actions of the local and federal brigade members and volunteers on the ground. Three brigades from the City of Uruapan, Conafor, Cofom, Municipal Civil Protection, 54 elements of the Ministry of National Defense, 5 of the Environmental Police and more than 20 community members from indigenous communities in the neighborhoods of San Miguel and San Juan Bautista, as well as the Air Service Directorate of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), participate in the combat work. The meeting headed by the governor was attended by the National Guard, the 21st Military Zone, Conafor, Cofom, the City of Uruapan and brigade members. Based on the evaluation overflights, it was instructed to continue with the operation of the helicopter with the helibucket to monitor the application with more water discharges in the areas considered at risk.

Original source in Spanish

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