Martín Fierro from Radio: Nelson Castro and Santiago del Moro, the big winners

Last Sunday, a new edition of the Martín Fierro Radio Awards was commemorated in La Rural, which was broadcast by America TV and was hosted by Karina Mazzocco and Fernando Dente.Nelson Castro took the gold for his work on AM radio in Chronicle of an Announced Afternoon (Rivadavia), while Santiago del Moro was recognized for his work on FM in Club del Moro (La 100).“It moves me to see them all until the end of the ceremony, that is an example of what radio is. The level of coexistence between those of us who think A, B or C, today we were here respecting and greeting each other. That is the message I want to leave at this exciting time for me: we must build a society of respect,” Castro said on stage. ” We journalists have a responsibility and so does radio: to defend pluralism from all authoritarianisms. It is very important that all the voices that think differently from me are there, as well as those who think the same. In this way we are going to ensure the validity of the radio, because that is the reason for the validity: people listen to all voices,” he added. For his part, Del Moro commented: “There are so many early mornings, so many days waking up without sleeping… Every time I get blown up ducks, I think of that boy who dreamed of that radio. I want to thank many people who are here.” I want to thank each of my teammates in particular, who every day makes me a better person. The radio is a team, it is one with the microphone and the equipment. I love the radio,” concluded the host of Big Brother.

Original source in Spanish

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