The UN criticized the human rights policy of Javier Milei’s administration

In the 56th session of the Argentine government’s human rights policy, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, criticized that the recent measures taken by the government of Javier Milei run the risk of going against human rights. In his speech, he stated that “in Argentina, the recent measures proposed and adopted risk undermining the protection of human rights. These include cuts to public spending that particularly affect the most marginalized, the announced closure of state institutions dedicated to women’s rights and access to justice, and an instruction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to suspend participation in all events abroad related to the 2030 Agenda.” In addition, Milei’s management was included in a statement along with countries such as Sudan, Burkina Faso, Congo and Haiti, where, the official who visited Argentina in January of this year, asked “the authorities to put Human Rights at the center of their policies, to build a more cohesive and inclusive society.” In turn, Turk also mentioned the closure of the Ministry of Women, the decision to suspend the country’s participation in events related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the criminal complaint against journalists Nancy Pazos and Darío Villarruel for “instigation to commit crimes”, and the repression in Congress while the Bases Law was being discussed. finally, she called for “full respect” for the right to assembly and freedom of expression, in fact the UN sets out in its 2030 Agenda a series of goals that seek to advance gender equality and equal access to essential services such as health and education.

Original source in Spanish

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