One woman dead and four people injured, balance of armed aggression in Apatzingán –

Apatzingán, Michoacán .- Three women and two men were wounded by gunfire, when they were the target of an armed attack outside the Hotel Escalera, in the Babilonia neighborhood, in this demarcation of Apatzingán. Moments later one of the women died in a local hospital. According to the first reports on Saturday night, the victims were on Article 27 Street, in front of the aforementioned hostel, where armed subjects arrived and began to shoot and immediately fled. Neighbors in the area reported the attack to the emergency number 911, Municipal Police officers and paramedics came, who urgently transferred those affected to a local hospital. Unofficially, it transpired that moments after being admitted to the hospital, doctors confirmed the death of Ana Laura, who had a bullet impact in the right eye. While the injured survivors are Norma Lucía G., 24 years old, Romana S., 47 years old, Jesús S., 50 years old, and Luis Alberto D., 35 years old, who is reported as delicate. Due to the way in which the aggression was perpetrated, some revenge or settling of scores by criminal groups that have a presence in this area of the entity is not ruled out, however, it will be the investigations by the State Attorney General’s Office that will allow the clarification of the facts.

Original source in Spanish

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