Federal judges and magistrates of Michoacán will participate in a national strike against the reform of the Judiciary – MonitorExpresso.com

Morelia, Michoacán. – After assuring the risk of a crisis of the rule of law in Mexico, judges, magistrates and workers of the eleventh circuit of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, based in Michoacán, announced their participation in a national strike against the reform of the Judicial Branch proposed by the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Judge Froylán Muñoz Alvarado reported that a general assembly agreed to participate in the eight dialogues convened by the Chamber of Deputies to analyze the reform, which conclude on August 6, but support the strike called by the workers in case they do not reach an agreement on the reform project. The magistrate pointed out that the reform affects the entire judicial system, including state systems. In this sense, he affirmed that in the face of a constitutional reform, the path of international and strategic defense is analyzed through the Inter-American Commission to request precautionary measures. He warned that the risks of the reform go in two ways: on the judges and for the Mexican State. Regarding the first, he stated that there would be party judges, in addition to the fact that there would be a loss of independence, impartiality and objectivity. While the risks for the Mexican State are economic instability and capital flight, as well as a weakening of institutions and a crisis of the rule of law in Mexico, on the separation of powers. It is worth mentioning that some workers consider that the project will affect their labor benefits and that they would not be able to participate in the elections of ministers or magistrates proposed by the initiative, although the union leadership clarified that the only ones who could not participate would be those who had already held another public office.

Original source in Spanish

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