Alfonso Martínez starts campaign to save trees affected by pests –

Morelia, Michoacán. – The Municipal President of Morelia, Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, started the “Sanitary Pruning of Trees” program, a priority action that seeks to save adult trees in specific areas of the municipality, which are affected by the presence of mistletoe and weed hay, considered pests, as they shared through a statement. At a press conference, Alfonso Martínez informed the people of Morelia that no tree will be felled in this process, but it will be necessary to prune branches and remove infested trunks, in order to guarantee their survival or else they run the risk of dying. This program will intensify efforts on Camelinas Avenue, the Cuauhtémoc Forest, Solidaridad, Ventura Puente, Aqueduct, Arboretum Park and the peripheral ring of Morelia, with the aim of stopping the growth of the pest, informed the Secretary of Municipal Public Services, Netzahualcóyotl Vázquez Vargas.
He explained that there will be 7 brigades that will be present at these main points; he also reported that they have already cleaned up half of the trees located on Boulevard García de León.For his part, the Secretary of Agriculture and Environment of Morelia, Guillermo Marín Chávez, stressed that the campaign is a precise instruction from the Mayor, Alfonso Martínez to save the lives of the trees, because if action is not taken in time, These parasitic plants propagated by birds will end up drying them out. It should be noted that these tasks will be coordinated in their operational part by the Directorate of Parks and Gardens, Environment, biologists and technical areas to determine the attention of each tree in accordance with the official standard.

Original source in Spanish

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