Emotions discarded in “Inside Out 2” revealed by story artist Paula Assadourian – MonitorExpresso.com

Mexico. – In a recent interview with Cine Booom, Paula Assadourian, story artist of “Inside Out 2”, shared details about the emotions that were left out of the long-awaited sequel. The Mexican, who collaborated with Pixar in the creation of the film’s storyboards, explained the process behind the visualization of the story. “We make sure that the filmmakers find exactly how they want to present the film, supporting the director to realize his vision,” said Paula.Assadourian revealed that from the beginning, director Kelsey Mann was clear that he wanted to explore the “more negative” emotions of adolescence, those that make young people more taciturn. “Somehow, teenagers lose the initial spark of childhood. So, we knew that an ‘anxiety’ type emotion was going to exist and, from that, the idea for this film was created,” he said. One of the most prominent revelations was about the emotions that were discarded from the film. Recently, a concept art of “Guilt” was shown, an emotion that was initially going to be part of the story. “Definitely, ‘Guilt’ was quite important and, like ‘Anxiety’, it was thought out from the beginning. However, at some point in the creative process, they decided to focus on ‘Anxiety,'” Paula explained.Another emotion that did not make it into the final version was “Awe,” which in Spanish could be translated as “Amazement.” “It’s like when you’re like ‘wow…’ however. But, it is important to mention that, when I say ‘negative emotion’, I mean that it may be that one does not know how to relate to it,” clarified Assadourian.La story artist stressed that no emotion is completely negative. “All emotions are trying to protect us and ‘Anxiety’ is the one that somehow saves us from dangers, it is the one that can rescue us from situations we don’t want to be in. But, it can also grow and steal our ‘Joy’ and create a kind of ‘internal spiral’,” Paula concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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