Collection for Ariel: a young neurodivergent man needs to raise an expensive sum for his kidney operation

The family of Ariel, a young neurodivergent, is promoting a solidarity collection so that it is possible to perform an operation on him due to a health situation that affects his kidney. Everything is ready for surgery,” say Monica and Luis Fernandez, Ariel’s mother and father, in a statement that they are mobilizing through social networks. The scheduled date is next Monday, July 15 at 8 a.m. at the Italian Hospital, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Almagro.You may also be interested in: “Pain transformed us”: why should Fibromyalgia be law in Argentina? This health center is the only one where he can access an intervention with professionals who know about cerebral palsy or other pathologies, warns from the young man’s environment. Collection for Ariel: she needs to raise an expensive sum for her kidney surgery | Photo: Gentileza, environment of Ariel.Si the surgery is scheduled, the family needs to reach the amount of 6.5 million for this intervention that allows them to pay for the expenses, since they had to take out a loan due to the urgency of the state of health. You may also be interested in: Pain as a life alert: What is Fibromyalgia and how to go through? Those who want to collaborate can send their donations and transfers to the alias that appears in the description.

Original source in Spanish

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