“The Sound of Before” arrives, a film about Gardel’s passion for the guitar and sound

Director Yael Szmulewicz premieres the film “The Sound of Before”, a journey about experiences with the guitar, the different ways of playing, the styles, the particularities of the restoration, the luthiery, but above all about the love and passion for the guitar and for the sound of Carlos Gardel. It hits theaters on August 8. Follow the story of Patricio Crom, a collector of antique guitars. When he finds an old star-mouth guitar -like the one Gardel used-, he sets out to recover his original sound. To do this, he summons guitarists and specialists in acoustic recording systems and luthiery, who help him try to find the sound of before.” Patricio is a tango guitarist, he is also a puppeteer and he is a very special person. He has an unmatched charisma and a unique emotional intelligence. He set out to find the sound of before, and I set out to accompany him on that path,” the filmmaker told the press. Then he added: “The making of a documentary can have many ways of facing it, and the one I choose is to discover while I do. To find the way in doing, without losing the axis of one’s own gaze, letting myself be seduced and conquered by what happens along the way. Always linked to my love for tango and all its edges”. Photo: Courtesy of the press

Original source in Spanish

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