Meet the new evaluation report for basic education students –

Mexico. – With the implementation of the 2022 Study Plan for Basic Education, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) announced that a new format was designed for the report card corresponding to the 2023-2024 school year, according to the principles of the New School Mexicana.La report card indicates four training fields: Languages; Knowledge and Scientific Thought; Ethics, Nature and Societies; and Human and Community, in which the different disciplines are grouped. The SEP, in charge of Leticia Ramírez Amaya, affirms that the school grades do not disappear, but are grouped into learning phases:For phase 2 (Preschool), the reports include the four training fields and a space for observations in each evaluation period, but they do not consider numerical values. In phases 3, 4 and 5, for the six grades of primary education, the report card presents the four training fields, the three partial evaluations and a section for observations. In phase 6, for secondary education, the document presents the training fields and disciplines that are integrated into each one, as well as a section of observations. At the top of the document, parents and guardians will find the name of the student and the school, as well as the grade, school year, Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), Work Center Code (CCT) and group. The report card also indicates the final average, the number of attendances and whether the student accredited the school grade.

Original source in Spanish

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