Police shoot woman who had called 911 for help in United States – MonitorExpresso.com

United States. – Sonya Massey, an African-American woman, apologized to an Illinois sheriff’s deputy seconds before he shot her three times inside her home, with a fatal shot to the head, all captured by a video from the policeman’s body camera, released Monday. Last week, an Illinois grand jury indicted former Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson, 30. Grayson pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a firearm and official misconduct. The video confirmed to prosecutors the tense moment when Officer Grayson yelled at Massey from across the kitchen to leave a pot of hot water. He then threatened to shoot him, Massey crouched down, stood up briefly, and Grayson shot him. Authorities explained that Massey, 36, called 911 because he thought a subject was prowling around his house, so he feared an assault or robbery at his home. Sensitive images Discretion is recommended: One more ace of police racism in United States. In this video you can see how police officer Sean Grayson fatally shot an unarmed black woman, Sonya Massey, who had asked for help to 911. This atrocious hatred of the different explains many things. https://t.co/CtbYcGO4xJ— JuanFran Albert (@JFranAlbert) July 23, 2024

Original source in Spanish

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