Illustrator Sebastián Fábrega and his drawing on the actress Malucha Pinto: “she is a figure that overflows with positivity”

Illustrator Sebastián Fábrega presented an illustration about actress Malucha Pinto.
She “is a figure that overflows with positivity,” says the artist.
The work is part of a series of illustrations around the theme of the Chilean constituent process initiated in 2020, for the drafting of a new Constitution, which was initiated by the cartoonist, illustrator and graphic humorist Alen Lauzan, and continued by Raquel Echenique, Marcelo Escobar, Sol Díaz, Francisco Olea, Francisca Yáñez, Javiera Ortega and Marcela Trujillo.
Chilean animator and cartoonist resident in Barcelona since 2006, Fábrega has a degree in industrial design (U. de Chile) and a master’s degree in professional cartoon production (U. Politècnica de Catalunya).
He has worked as a storyboarder, animator, character designer and director, in projects such as “31 minutes, the movie”, “Birdboy” (Goya 2012), “The adventures of Ogú, Mampato and Rena” and “Dragon City” of the video game company Social Point.

In April 2021, the French Institute of Chile launched “Constitution between the Lines”, an invitation addressed to Chilean illustrators, to create three drawings around the new Constitution of Chile.
Seduced by an open proposal with no established requirements, the artists gave free rein to their inspiration, entering a creative process whose north was and still is freedom of expression.
Thus, month by month, each illustrator materialized through his works a singular vision of the constituent process. Some resorted to criticism without concession, others preferred to expose their dreams and their best wishes for the Chile to come. The truth is that everyone, each witness and actor of their own History, got involved in this creative adventure with poetry, humor and generosity.
In 2022, Constitution between the lines will continue to be disseminated every Thursday through the social networks of the French Institute of Chile and those of its associated newspaper, El Mostrador, which allowed to amplify its visibility. In 2023, it will become an exhibition and catalogue and will travel to France.
Alen Lauzán, Francisca Yáñez, Francisco Olea, Marcelo Escobar, Raquel Echeñique, Sol Díaz, La Mirona and Marcela Trujillo participated in 2021. Sebastián Fábrega and Luisa Rivera will start the year 2022, along with other cartoonists who will continue to give life to the project until October 2022, the end of the Chilean constituent process.
The views expressed in the drawings do not necessarily represent those of the French Institute of Chile and the French Embassy in Chile.

Original source in Spanish

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