Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: The Bonaerense government announced “a major pay improvement” to the police

translated from Spanish: The Bonaerense government announced “a major pay improvement” to the police

The Bonaerian government anticipated a few moments ago that it will grant a "major wage improvement" to the provincial police…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Trump announces covid-19 vaccine would be ready in October

U.S.- On Monday, President Trump mocked that a coronavirus vaccine could be ready by next month, as he demanded an…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Felipe Calderón apologizes to Lorenzo Córdova for mentioning his father

Mexico.- Former President Felipe Calderón apologized to Lorenzo Córdova in mentioning his father, Arnaldo Córdova, after he answered the tweet…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Femicide: Autopsy confirmed Ludmila Pretti was strangled

After Ludmila Pretti's family, friends and neighbors demonstrated on Monday afternoon at the door of the local police station to…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Running: International expert claims 6 out of 10 injuries are due to training errors

A series of myths regarding the cause of frequent injuries in runners or runners analyzed British sports therapist and writer…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: The epidemiology of a secure roast: know the 5 keys to enjoying with low risks of contagion

Since the Government announced last week the possibility that Chilean families could re-reunite for the upcoming Patriotic Holidays, criticism abounded.…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Cristina Castro: “I’m not going to rest until I see all those unhappy prisoners”

It's been a few days since Cristina Castro, Facundo Astudillo's mother, found out that her son who was missing for…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Patricia Manterola’s message to Xavier Ortíz, his ex-wife, to fire him

Mexico. Singer Patricia Manterola writes on Instagram a moving message to fire Xavier Ortíz, who was her ex-wife. Manterola and…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: With 223 more deaths, Mexico accumulates 67,781 COVID deaths

Federal health authorities reported on Monday about 223 more deaths by COVID in the register, so far the country has…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: From Uruapan, Toño Ixtláhuac calls for building a social coalition

Uruapan, Michoacán. – On tour of the Municipality of Uruapan, Mr. Toño Ixtláhuac met with inhabitants, sectors of society and…

4 years hace