Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Netflix’s Danna Paola for Elite castings on networks

translated from Spanish: Netflix’s Danna Paola for Elite castings on networks

Since its inception Danna Paola has managed to maintain an artistic career full of successes and important characters in telenovelas…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: WhatsApp messages about Netflix and COVID-19 that are a scam in Mexico

Kaspersky (cybersecurity company) alerted about two new scams via WhatsApp with which criminals steal information from users by taking advantage…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Angela Merkel tested negative for coronavirus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel tested negative for the first coronavirus test on Monday, German government spokeswoman Steffen Seibert reported. In…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Kicillof spoke after meeting about coronavirus in Olives

The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, presented himself this afternoon at a press conference in Olivos…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: It will be law: Chamber of Deputies approves and dispatches project regulating remote work

On Monday, the law regulating remote work and telework in the lower house was passed in the Chamber of Deputies.…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in the UK: three weeks of mandatory quarantine

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson decreed compulsory quarantine for all Britons. The confinement will last three weeks, where the representative…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: AMLO didn’t lower the price of gasoline, it’s not true, PRD accuses

Mexico City.- The PRD parliamentary group called on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to report truthfully that the reduction…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: QRoo governor ‘exhorts’ to close bars and clubs before COVID-19

The governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín, urged the owners of bars, clubs and commercial squares of the entity to…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Citizens and citizens deliver initiative for tax forgiveness and service payments

Celic Mendoza Morelia, Michoacán.- 90 percent of citizens cannot comply with the measures of the health contingency caused by the…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus: UEFA postpones Champions And Europa League finals

UEFA announced on Monday that it postpones the Champions League finals, both male and female, and that of the Europa…

4 years hace