Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus enters the White House; senior official hits positives

translated from Spanish: Coronavirus enters the White House; senior official hits positives

Washington, D.C.- A senior White House official tested positive for coronavirus (Covid-19). The new patient is a collaborator of the…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Hailstorm lands the roof of the Abasto Plant and other shops

Due to a strong hailstone in the eastern part of Mexico City, the roof of several naves collapsed in the…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: López Obrador argues that for him lowered the price of gasoline (Video)

home Finance, Mexico López Obrador argues that for him lowered the price of gasoline (Video) Oaxaca, Mexico.- During his tour…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: One confirmed case and three under investigation at Balestrini Hospital

While the first case of coronavirus in the province was confirmed in Mendoza, in Buenos Aires they continue with the…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: PRODEMU Foundation postpones its activities throughout Chile and calls for the prevention of Covid-19

Paola Diez, Director of the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Women (PRODEMU) today announced the suspension of all…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Santa Fe: more than 300 detainees for violating mandatory isolation

As recorded on social media and in official communiqués, thousands of people were arrested for breaching the mandatory and preventive…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Bolivian government decrees total coronavirus quarantine

Bolivia will enter this Sunday in total quarantine, as a new measure to combat coronavirus, announced the country's acting president…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Jalisco adds 32 cases of COVID-19 and places new spillover

Guadalajara, Jalisco.- A total of 32 people have tested positive for coronavirus in Jalisco, four of them without symptoms, and…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: Baja California Sur reports first coronavirus infection

A first case of coronavirus contagion was detected in Baja California Sur, Gov. Carlos Mendoza Davis confirmed. The state representative…

4 years hace

translated from Spanish: When will the Covid-19 pandemic end?

The well-known Covid-19, or simply named coronavirus, is the emerging disease developed in Wuhan, China, which has already paralyzed everyone…

4 years hace