translated from Spanish: Coronavirus enters the White House; senior official hits positives

Washington, D.C.- A senior White House official tested positive for coronavirus (Covid-19). The new patient is a collaborator of the vice president of the United States, whose identity remains anonymous. Mike Pence’s collaborator joined the 16,656 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country, over the course of Friday, March 20, after being diagnosed.

“This afternoon we were notified that a member of the vice president’s office tested positive for coronavirus,” Said Press Secretary Mike Pence in a statement released Friday. U.S. media outlets released that the official had no contact with President Donald Trump. In addition, the people he worked with were evacuated from the White House until they confirmed that they are not carriers of the virus.
For his part, Pence told the press this Saturday that the infected person stopped attending the White House since Monday and is in good health.” A member of my staff tested positive for the coronavirus, we found out yesterday afternoon. I am pleased to inform you that he is well, he had symptoms such as those of a cold for a day and a half,” Pence said during a press conference At the same event, the vice president stated that he and his wife, Karen, will undergo the coronavirus test in order to  confirm or rule out the presence of the virus on their systems. It should be noted that the secretary of the Vice Presidency, Katie Miller, recently reported that Pence had no close contact with the infected officer.

Original source in Spanish

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