Latin American News in English

translated from Spanish: AMLO will grant a pardon to inmates, including Mario Villanueva to serve time at home

translated from Spanish: AMLO will grant a pardon to inmates, including Mario Villanueva to serve time at home

Mexico.– President Andrés Manuel Obrador will grant a pardon to prisoners, including former governor Mario Villanueva who, by age, already…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: President Piñera said to expect Christmas values to “get our country out of this confronted, angry, rarefied climate that we have lived in”

In the Christmas message, after leading the celebration of the officials of the palace of La Moneda, the president, Sebastián…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Merced market fire mobilizes firefighters

Mexico City.- Strong flames emanated from the Merced market, causing a large column of visible smoke meters from the distance.…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: They egressed: Délano and Lavín finish ethics classes

On Christmas Eve, businessmen Carlos Délano and Carlos Eugenio Lavín received good news, as they concluded the ethics classes they…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Authorities find the body of student Nazareth Baptist

Authorities of the State of Mexico located the body of Nazaret H.Bautista, a 15-year-old student at the Agricultural High School…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Prince Harry disguises himself as a saint to congratulate children of military lost in battle

The Prince Harry has had a nice detail with the orphaned children of deceased military Christmas and has congratulated them…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Minister Moreno by Puente Chacao: “We will not bear costs beyond what is due to the MOP”

Public Works Minister Alfredo Moreno remarked this day that the Chacao Bridge will "remain under construction" despite the refusal of…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Venezuelan military seizes several explosives on the border with Colombia

Caracas.- The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) seized at least 40 kilograms of explosives in a section of the Venezuelan…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: NR senators opposed to parity in the constituent process prepare proposal to incentivize women’s participation

This Tuesday, the Official Journal published the reform to Chapter XV of the Constitution, which enables the constituent process, so…

5 years hace

translated from Spanish: Undersecretary of DDHH after INDH report said “action has been taken” and complaints have “decreased”

Under-Secretary for Human Rights Lorena Recabarren said on Tuesday that government action has been taken on allegations of violations of…

5 years hace