translated from Spanish: Killer to his father to ask that you not steal to passers-by

Peru.-a young 19 year old killed his stepfather, when the latter tried to avoid the son asaltará passers-by on the street in a Peruvian city. Read more: Satanists ask for removing statue of ten commandments security cameras captured the moment of aggression. Photo: captured video read more: take out it of a House and then beating the asesinanEl boy who had lived since childhood with the deceased, was upset by the presence of the father and the actions was taking to prevent that would commit more crimes.
The body of the stepfather was in the street. Photo: The above made file enrage to start a fight with Alfonso n, who insisted on bringing it home; but the confrontation came to blows and then took their belongings a knife and stabbed him several times. The young man was identified with the name of Paul David n, who was fleeing after committing the crime, and left the corpse of her stepfather at kilometer 34 of the old Road South Panamerican highway in the province of Lurin.los witnesses claim that the son chased the vict IMA until it hands noted a melee weapon, and when he managed to give scope could realize he wounded him on several occasions. Given the seriousness of the wounds, Alfonso “n” died in the middle of the street. Police authorities cordoned off the area and obtained a video from security cameras showing as his stepson attacked him with a knife. Watch the VIDEO.  In this note: Peru young step son assault passers-by theft

Original source in Spanish

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