translated from Spanish: #SalidasConFilo: what you need to have a good long weekend

photo: courtesy SMWPressPerfectos unknown. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday you can enjoy the play of Paolo Genovese which directs Guillermo Francella. What is it? Four friends of life and their respective partners organized a dinner. The mistress of the House proposes a game: each to leave your cell phone on the table and all message or call, that is read or heard by all, to prove that no one has nothing to hide. From that moment surprises and twists to occur in a sustained manner. Where? At the teatro Metropolitan Sura.La shale. Became invisible, so accustomed are already see them, dozing in the halls of the stations and airports, stirring in trash bins, Queuing in charitable canteens… We see them as alien and the amount of a monthly payment just separates us from them. The thrown overboard from their destinations, the castaways in the darkness of a hostile world. On 22 August and 2 September you will see “Now all is night” at the stables theatre. Wednesday and Thursday: 8 pm / Friday and Saturday 22:15 hs / Sunday 9 pm. Get your ticket for $ smart 550.Mentiras. The comedy by Joe Di Pietro starring Betiana Blum, Arnaldo André, Mariano Martínez and Flor Torrente, with direction of Valeria Ambrosio, comes from Thursday to Sunday Theater stars. I got your ticket from $400.

Original source in Spanish

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