translated from Spanish: Offers 7-year-old daughter as spouse to avoid cruel fate

Russia-a history that shows the harsh reality of childhood is the experience that made public the director of Russian cinema, Iván Vdovin that featured an episode in his life that left him marked when He was filming in the desert, between Israel and Palestine, and was approached by a man who offered her small daughter of 7 years so it was your spouse and take her to Moscow, in Exchange for the delivery of 50 sheep. Read more: amazing: a couple traveling on a motorcycle with baby in stroller the girl is 7 years old and in a short time, according to their customs, will have to marry at the age of 11 or 12 years. Photo: Theme/Pxhere read more: went into the water and came out with matarraya hanging in parts Intimasal listen to the proposal, the filmmaker did not understand what listening of the man that was identified with the name of Arafat, and besought him that the girl who called her Zakura might be e sposa on reaching the age of 11 or 12 years.
According to the above by the director points out that: “elsugirio that lead me to his small Moscow so marry her someday and change the fate of the girl”.

Photo: Theme/Pxhere the father of the child explained to him the reasons for his proposal and each time history turned out amazing, and told him that: “otherwise, after a couple of years, would be sold to a village close to someone older by a flock of sheep. These are the Customs and anyone violates them.”

Arafat’s request was rejected by Vdovin, but after returning to his country followed impressed by history that heard the man it sought in this way a better future for her daughter. Your question was how to help many girls who are forced into marriage, and decided to make a documentary about the life of the small Zakura, which according to the plans, mentions that he will be released the winter of next year. To help the father of the girl seeking a better future for his daughter, he announced that carry out an expedition for a month to make the recording of a film, and requires 4,400 dollars for the project. For this reason, it undertook a fundraising campaign in order to make the film, where it considers that it can not interfere in the customs of the country of Arafat, because that would require the father to break their own traditions. The only thing that is going to make will be narrating the story about living persons who experience emotions, love, fear and confused at the time of choosing the best for their children. In his opinion, Vdovin considered afforded an opportunity to Arafat to take an independent decision on the future of his daughter. The filmmaker film poses that in a modern world, Arafat had an iPhone5 and driving new technology seamlessly and combines perfectly with the ancient traditions of their country; by the genuine there is a chance to change the fate of the small Zakara.
In conclusion the film aims to reflect “the lives of real heroes, but also to record serious and significant changes in their lives” since their last meeting.

It is important to mention what are the traditions from which Arafat referred and he didn’t want for his daughter, consisting: the age of 11 and 12 years, which are sold to the couple in Exchange for cattle. Also when the child moves out to live with her husband to your new home, family and children of this relationship breaks all communication with the parents of the child and is reduced to the communicative circle of sisters of her husband and her mother-in-law. In this article: marriage history childhood experience daughter sheep Moscow Spouse cinema Russian

Original source in Spanish

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