translated from Spanish: They leave for the 50th anniversary of the massacre of 1968

with ceremonies, tributes and a March began the commemorative events for the 50th anniversary of the massacre against students on October 2, 1968.
Close to 4 o’clock, different groups of people began, from different points of the city, marches heading to the Zócalo. A group of protesters met in the street Flores Magón and Eje Central, close to Plaza of the three cultures in Tlatelolco; others began the protest on Manuel Carpio, next to the Avenida de los Maestros, same who arrived to Calzada de los Gallos in the East, reported the center of road information of the Secretariat of safety public of the city of Mexico.
“Their children, their grandchildren are here to never forget,” said Irene Imuris Valley Padilla, daughter of the leader of the student movement, Eduardo Valle, owl, before l mobilization which started in the Plaza of the three cultures.
The young man said that the fact that thousands of people leave today “is symbol that we follow, October 2 is not forgotten”.

#2deOctubre | The commemorative March for the student movement of 1968 is located on Central axis, almost to the height of the low bridge of Garibaldi.
ℹ️: @Mrterremoto. – (@Pajaropolitico) October 2, 2018 the Secretariat of public security (SSP) of the city of Mexico published that the groups split from the Angel of independence, the monument to the revolution, as well as the Town of Santo Tomás. However, the most popular place is the Plaza of the three cultures.
Shortly before 6 p.m., the first contingents of the March reached the Plaza de la Constitución, wearing blankets with the legends “Live students!”, “Are killing us” or “We will never forget October 2”. Students of the University national Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and other entities participate in the demonstration as the Escuela Normal de Mactumatza, Chiapas.
Leaders of student movement of 1968, family of the 43 missing fearfully of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero and collective feminist participated in the March. Also became members of the various rural normal, who carry a sign with the legend: “we are grandchildren of the revolution. Sons of 68. Brothers of the 43 “.

Gallery #50anosdel68 | So the rally is living in the Zócalo for the 50th anniversary of the massacre against students of the #2deoctubre of 1968.
?: @AFP.
Is the transmission live from @Pajaropolitico: – (@Pajaropolitico) from October 2, 2018, a minute of silence participants kept a minute of silence in memory of the people deceased in these violent events of 50 years ago to reach the socket plate. Shortly before, a pass list gave the names of more than 30 activists who participated in the movement…
“50 years ago in the Plaza of the three cultures is perpetuated a genocide and we are still without punishing any cumplable, so today we demand justice”, said Félix Hernández Gamundi, one of the first speakers at the rally, who also highlighted the achievements of mobilizations peaceful that they have demanded justice not only for the victims of October 2, but also for cases as of Ayotzinapa.
“When attacking young students of Ayotzinapa, when it attacks a young girl on a University campus are attacking all our sons and daughters… the key is the peaceful struggle”, said on the Esplanade of the socket.
Representatives of peoples in defence of the land and people affected by the earthquake of September 19 and relatives of missing persons also made use of the voice on the bandstand to share the demands of Justice in 1968.
“We are here because their pain is our pain… demand to punish those responsible for the massacre of October 2, also demand that be punished and prison for the forced disappearance of our children.” We will not give up to find them”, explained fearfully of Ayotzinapa parents in his speech.

#50anosdel68 | Gradually more protesters are concentrated in the Zócalo; in the quota there are parents and #Ayotzinapa students, and residents of San Salvador Atenco.
?: @liz_pf and @Mrterremoto. – (@Pajaropolitico) 2 October 2018, from the night of October 1, the Tower of rectory of the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) lit up with the message “68 anymore”.

“68 anymore”. #2deOctubre #A50Del68 – Santiago Arau (@Santiago_Arau) October 2, 2018 at 8:00 of Tuesday, deputies and Senators of the country gathered at the square of the Zócalo, which held a ceremony and hoisted the flag National at half-staff. As a sign of mourning in memory of the people who died in 68.
The President of the Senate, Marti Batres, highlighted the event, said, is first held an official ceremony, with the participation of the three powers of the Union, in order to the nation to recognize the facts that occurred on October 2, so they do not return to rep etirse.
The ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Board of coordination policy of the Senate, Ricardo Monreal; the Secretary of the Interior, Alfonso Navarrete; the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation, Luis María Aguilar Morales, as well as senators and members of various political parties.
Ceremony of hoisting the national flag at half-staff as a sign of mourning in memory of the victims of October 2, 1968.En the Chamber of Deputies, the legislators carried out a solemn ceremony to commemorate the date, and revealed a golden sign with the Legend “to the student movement of 1968” on the wall of honor.

#2deOctubre unveiling of gold letters on the wall of honour of the legend – the student movement of 1968, by @mario_delgado1, @JCRomeroHicks, @JuarezCisneros, @Fer_Manzanilla, @AlbertoEsquerG, @RG_SLP, @ArturoEsc ▶️ – Chamber of Deputies (@Mx_Diputados) October 2, 2018 around 11:30 hours, the President-elect and his cabinet went to the Plaza of the three cultures in Tlatelolco, site which was perpetrated the massacre, where mounted a guard of honor.
In Tlatelolco, López Obrador said that “never I give the order to the armed forces to suppress the people”.
The President-elect pledged that will not turn to authoritarianism and reiterated its commitment to fight for Justice for the whole society and the victims of the past.
Guard of honour for victims of 68 in the Plaza of the three Culturas.En the socket plate, members of the 68 Committee mounted a memorial to remember the slain students, where you can read the legend “or forgiveness or oblivion, punishment to the killers”.

October 2, 2018. – Santiago Arau (@Santiago_Arau) October 2, 2018 with information from Notimex

Original source in Spanish

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