translated from Spanish: Juan Manuel Urtubey: “one sees a highly conditioned President by Elisa Carrió and that doesn’t help”

Juan Manuel Urtubey considered that Elisa Carrió “underestimates the level of desperation of people to politics and that strip of rope” calling the trial po lytic against the Minister of Justice, German Garavano.Urtubey remarked that benchmark governing “always said what he thought”, so the accusation against the national official “may not catch anyone from the Government or outside the Government”.” “I don’t know if the word is fear, but it seems from the outside, as a spectator, that one sees a President very conditioned by Elisa Carrió and that does not help much”, broke down.

Leader also stressed that “all should be without fueros”, including the former President and current national Senator, Cristina Kirchner.Por elsewhere, Urtubey said that “the Argentina need to leave the crack as construction of power” and asked “thinking is in” What are we doing to lower poverty”, although still not confirmed whether to run for President.
“Carrio underestimates the level of desperation of people to politics and that strip of rope”, said.

“We are going to compete because I’m going to collaborate so that my space is presented in the elections. If I will be a candidate or not, it will be seen in the coming months”, said the provincial leader.
What do you think about change?

Juan Manuel Urtubey | “Photo: NA opposition leader challenged the administration of President Mauricio Macri, although he said must be ‘bet to be better and not that bad go to which is governing’.” “The ruling party is doing badly, it is still 25% remaining management, you can straighten the situation a little, but what had been generated in a sector of the population during the campaign, it is clear that it did not meet”, criticized. During an interview with radio Mitre, Urtubey stressed that Salta had “twice the successes that the Argentina in terms of structural poverty reduction”. In this regard, the President said that “the first thing to think about is in what we are doing” to resolve this social problem.

Juan Manuel Urtubey change Cristina Kirchner Elisa Carrió Germán Garavano

Original source in Spanish

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