translated from Spanish: Supplier of the IMSS and QRoo Government works for criminal group

a company legally constituted in Cancun and that has done business with the delegation of the IMSS in Quintana Roo, it is being investigated by the PGR for the payment of bribes to people who have if do projects by a criminal group that has usurped the identity of Directors of Pemex law and logistics.
This company is part of a criminal network that last June 29, was criminally reported by Pemex to the PGR, then detect that there was a group of people seeking to “defraud the public pretending to be directors of the company” for offer hydrocarbons at preferential price.
Read: Pemex denounced fraud in sale of gasoline; they usurp identity of officials is the company promoter Jargui S.A de C.V, whose constituent Act of the public registry of Commerce (RPC), in power of political Animal, says that it was founded January 25, 2016 in Cancún, Quintana Roo, with a capital of 50 000 pesos.
Political animal obtained copy of the documents used by this group to defraud potential buyers of fuels and in these the name of promoter Jargui, company that was used to receive the bribe money.
According to the documents consulted, the criminal group asked for the least two customers that they be deposited amounts ranging from 300 thousand to 500 thousand pesos, this way in advance to sign contracts where offered preferential prices.
With the name of the company, Animal politician consulted the RPC and got the Charter of society, which are the names and addresses of the owners of the company, as well as its social object.
The partners are: Luis Arturo “n”; Guido “N” and Cynthia Jasmine “N”. The first of them serves as President of the society, the Second Secretary and the third as representative and Commissioner.  The three homes in the city of Cancun.
Luis Arturo is a central character in the plot investigated by the PGR, as his name appears in the complaint.
According to the corporate purpose of the company, this is dedicated to “serve as intermediaries between tourists and other tourist providers… organize, operate or sell tours and excursions within the national or foreign territory… open any type of” bank account, as well as obtaining financial resources and/or credits and/or financing of domestic or foreign credit institutions… re-confirmation marketing studies, acting as legal representative, agent, agent, Manager, factor, promoter, publicist, advisory, intermediary, Coordinator, participant or consignee in all kinds of business or commercial activities of any person or entity, both public and private, national and international sector”.
A search on contratobook, platform that focuses the procurement of the federal Government, showed that the company received, in 2017, a contract for direct award of the Office of acquisition of goods and contracting for services of the delegation Quintana Roo of the IMSS.
The contract was for 97 thousand 400 pesos for the purchase of digital duplicators and ink for them. According to officials of the IMSS, the company delivered in time and form the materials purchased. Subsequent to that did not receive any other contract.
The company, also is active in the register of suppliers of the Government of Quintana Roo, where it says to devote himself to the “trade to the wholesale of stationery for use in school and office articles”.
The Government of Quintana Roo confirmed that the company is current in its database of suppliers and that it has not participated in any bid in the current administration.
A hypnotist in the group as part of the investigations the authorities of the Seido, instance of the PGR investigating the complaint, as well as Pemex (which filed it), have identified the four men who have committed fraud and have supplanted the identity officials of the oil company.
The authorities have identified with photography to a man aged between 30 and 35, who is the person that passes by David Palacios Hernández (PEMEX official).
This person pretends to be David Palacios, Pemextambien officer to José Karlos “n”, known hypnotist who says cure addictions and has appeared in various television programs. This person acted as broker in one of the reported cases.
Luis Arturo “n” is another identified character. In the false trades offered to potential buyers, he serves as legal representative of promoter Jargui. In the minutes of the RPC of the company this person serves as President of the society.
Cesar Augusto “n”, who is another of the links between potential buyers and fake official Pemex is identified. This person sturdily and 36 years of age, has served as a contact in two of the cases.
Political animal was communicated to the phone number of the company developer Jargui, which appears in the registry of suppliers of the Government of Quintana Roo, but it’s a voice mail.
The information obtained by Animal political cases indicates that this group defrauded two entrepreneurs by 300 thousand and 500 thousand pesos, respectively, as well as participate in at least other five attempts at defrauding buyers of fuel (diesel, crude and) petrol). One of these cases was registered abroad.
As part of the fraud scheme, the group used false documents with logos of Pemex and supposed signature of David Palacios Hernandez, director of Pemex logistics, and Jorge Eduardo Kim Villatoro, director Jurídico de Pemex.
The complaint was filed by Pemex after receiving complaints from scammed people and offered that fuel at preferential price. Following the submission of the complaint to the PGR, this was ratified by one of the officials whose identity was stolen, also joined a number of documents delivered by those affected. None of those scammed have filed complaints on these facts.
“In all cases potential clients knew that they were doing something illegal and that they were committing bribery along with the fake officer, there having no incentive to denounce,” acknowledged David Palacios Hernandez, director of Pemex logistics, one of officials whose identity has been usurped.
One of the cases is that of an entrepreneur who offered to supply 36 billion barrels in two monthly installments. This even if Pemex produces 2.8 million barrels per day across the country. The cost per barrel agreed by the Group was 43 dollars per barrel, when the actual cost in the market is 76 pesos.
One of the lines under investigation, according to officials close to the investigations, is that these people could be linked to a larger group dedicated to fuel theft. The above because in one of the cases these people offered to deliver pipes of fuel in the State of Puebla, in an identified area of high risk for the theft of fuel. Delivery was not completed because it was not accepted by the customer.
Not only that. Authorities dismiss us that any of those involved is desempañara above as a civil servant in Pemex, because according to the testimonies of disappointed people – offered the company oil-these people dominated the issue.  They knew metrics, facilities, costs and used the language of the market.

Original source in Spanish

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