translated from Spanish: Keys that should be considered when hiring a bus service for the study tours and tours of end of year

at this time children made its long-awaited study tours or walks of end of the year, so it is important that the b you use comply with all security measures so that the experience is safe. The Transport Ministry handed the keys that must be considered when hiring a service. Paula Flores, head of the program of inspection, said that “many trips of study or end of year tour are made to countries like Argentina or Brazil, if leaving the country, parents have to know it’s requirement that those services meet u” n secure international and that machines do not exceed the 10 year old”. To hire a service must take into account:-establish in the written contract who is responsible for driving and how will assume any problems.-require that the driver has professional license and that the bus has technical review, permission of circulation and compulsory insurance the day.-make sure that if the trip lasts more than five hours, the bus must have two drivers-the vehicle must have all the authorizations from the Ministry of transport for service. -If a bus is contracted to exit out of the country, it cannot have more than 10 years old and must have an international insurance which will be required at the Customs Office. The Authority explained that schools or parents own can request control of the bus free of” As parents, in addition to worrying about the fate of our children travel on new year’s Eve rides, we must demand his transfer security. Therefore we make a special call to make a contract with the company responsible, give priority to buses with safety belts, and with existing authorisations, and also to ask the control of the service that will make travel, filling the form in our web site”, he said. Flores said the bus control is carried out on the same day that focuses the trip, since thus it is verified that the vehicle is the same that is going to make the move.

Original source in Spanish

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