translated from Spanish: CPLT instructs the PDI to deliver information about theft and loss of weapons

After the refusal of the investigations police (PDI) to a request for access to the information on “weapons lost or stolen in the institution in the year 2018 to date”, under the argument that “do not have the requested records in the terms required by the claimant”, the Council for transparency hosted the amparo presented, dismissing the claim of the PDI’s”lack of information”and instructing the consulted data delivery. 
The decision of the CPLT to welcome the injunction against the PDI and require the Director-General, Héctor Espinosa, which give to the claimant consulted data, is based on that institution not accredited it is impeded to collect the data consulted on loss and theft of weapons, dismissing the allegation of lack of such information.
The above, in compliance with the own normative framework governing police investigations as to the content of the statements expressed by that entity in this procedure.
It should be noted that the original petition requested backup and access to documentation that contains “all weapons lost or stolen in this institution in the year 2018 until the date of entry of this application, broken down by type of weapon, date of notification of the loss and unit which was the weapon. In addition it clarifies that it refers to all types of ballistic, short sharp weapons or melee weapon, as also of war and high caliber weapons”.

Original source in Spanish

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