translated from Spanish: Calisthenics: sport fitness making squares and parks of the country

Maybe that on more than one occasion you have stumbled upon young people above exercise bars, training group in any city park. It is that that physical activity, called calisthenics, has positioned itself as a favorite of youngsters and teenagers, in search of a better physical condition and athletic bodies.
Many are their benefits for men and women, that, by 2015, the American College of sports medicine pointed out that it is the sport that leads in the Fitness, being a very good tool for society and its fight against obesity, decreasing the alarming figures of WHO, are running that 3.2 million people die worldwide from lack of physical activity.
What is the calisthenics?
Of Greek origin (sthenos (Fortress), calisthenics and kallos (beauty) is a training system that works mainly with the weight, which does not require loads or additional resistors to achieve stunning muscle development and a great job cardiovascular. Thus, this sport not only seeks a more harmonious body, but also the beauty and harmony in the movement of the body in each fiscal year.
For Alexis Espinoza, academic from the school of Kinesiology UST Santiago, the calisthenics “lately have acquired greater relevance in the young population, as developed in environments outside of group and not requiring of” “expensive equipment, makes it accessible and powerful to promote exercise and contribute to health tool”.
While the sport has multiple benefits, as any practice of exercise, the academic says that “it has some flaws, like not having control of loads well stipulated. This suggests that the dosage of volumes and intensities is supervised by a specialist to avoid injury”.
Previous recommendations according to the teacher, “the international recommendations advise a cardiovascular preparticipativa assessment, depending on the level of physical activity of each subject, the presence of diseases or symptoms cardiovascular, metabolic or renal person, whereas the objective of intensity desired.”
In addition to this, the occasional bone alterations or joints (musculoskeletal) “which may have the subject that may be asymptomatic, while performing this kind of exercise could promote injury,” explained.
It is also fundamental, as before each workout, do a warmup and stretch afterwards.

Original source in Spanish

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