translated from Spanish: Héctor Daer: “tomorrow will be a very important March”

in tomorrow the Confederation General of the work of the Republic Argentina (CGT) held a mobilization in the Federal Capital against the current economic model. In this sense ruled Héctor Daer, Secretary General of the CGT, who scored that “it will be a very important March that aims to install the debate on a model country that differs quite in all of the model that this Government is carrying out”. Although he would not specify the people who will attend the convocation, he stressed that it is necessary to achieve that “many workers and argentinos”, go where he explained that the invitation was turned to sectors that are part of the society.

“This is the debate that is circumvented, that it does not occur on the future of the country. Then we ended up entering into an electoral process that ends up empty and that only refers to the State of mind of those who govern us and non-issues that deepen the crisis in our country”, Daer said. Similarly referred to the order of Moyano of a national strike where it held that “what we need is to have an alternative Government that the first word of the flag is”.

“What they propose is to impose public debate on topics that really interest us. That is the ultimate goal, then the situation leads us to make a mobilization,”said the trade unionist. In dialogue with Futurock, Daer referred to a potential general strike: “one cannot ruled out nothing. Every day we are in a very large instability. “” No measures of direct action cannot be ruled out as well are on a slope of social ascent ‘. ” The process of decline, of social and political support for this Government is progressive, then for what muddy things? “, concluded.”

Original source in Spanish

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