Morena Rial made a defense after being pointed out as the author of a robbery in LAM

Last week, Morena Rial was very present on the screen of America TV where she participated in several programs and revealed a harsh testimony about her childhood and strong accusations against her father, Jorge Rial. However, last week, from LAM they told a shameful event that occurred in the dressing rooms of the studio, after both Estefi Berardi, Marcela Feudale and Monica Farro realized respectively that they suffered a robbery. There, after giving details of the news, Ángel de Brito remarked that something similar had never happened in all the years he has been in charge of the cycle of shows and that the day before the robbery, the only people outside the program who were as guests were Morena Rial and Luisa Albinoni. Also, the driver stressed that in the case of Luisa did not use the dressing rooms, since he arrived and went directly to the studio. And, on the other hand, who was installed in the enclosure was the daughter of the driver. Anyway, since the cycle, no one pointed directly to the young woman, since there is no evidence of the crime. But before the media stir that was built around these complaints, where both Farro and Feudale suffered the extraction of money from their cards, and Estefi found their belongings all revolted and the lack of money and their credit card, many came out to point directly to Morena Rial, it was for this reason that the driver’s daughter turned to social networks to make a discharge.  “Instead of talking about issues that are not true and blaming people who have nothing to do with it, why don’t they focus, if they are so journalists and know so much, if they have so much information, about the horrific things that I had to live through…”, he began saying. And she added: “Of all the physical and psychological abuse that I have lived in my life, why do not they internalize that, in all the things that I had to suffer as a girl … There they will realize who lies in the middle and how much truth and lies there is…”, he added. “I ask them to have a little more empathy and to pay a little more attention to the messages they send. I thank those who gave me the support you need when a situation is like the one I had to live through. Or the ones I had to suffer as a girl, because it was a tremendous abuse… For those who love me, I thank you, and those who hate me, I send you a kiss and hopefully life can heal them, even if they do not have empathy for what happened to a girl like me, I have nothing more to clarify, “he closed. 

Original source in Spanish

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