translated from Spanish: The surname Ocegueda Robledo, between accusations and scandals

Morelia, Michoacan.-the morning of Tuesday, was announced the appointment of César Augusto Ocegueda Robledo, as head of the Department’s legislative liaison and registration matters, a nomination that was delivered to him by the also newly appointed as new Minister of Government Carlos Herrera Tello.
The surname Ocegueda Robledo is already known, since Caesar Augustus had already occupied the same post during the administration of the substitute Governor of Michoacan, Salvador Jara Guerrero, during the period from June to September of 2015 2014.
Little more than one year remained the former rector of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo as State Governor, both Augustus and his brother, Pavel Aurelio Ocegueda Robledo, were involved in various political accusations and media.
Before accessing the same post that today holds, César Augusto Ocegueda served as Secretary of parliamentary services in the legislature LXXII of the Local Congress (from 2012 to 2015). During his tenure in the Michoacan Parliament, it was designated of adulterate legislative documents to continue in office for three years more.
Joins the above signs of ill-treatment orally to the staff of the Congress, as well as questions for misuse of public funds in payment of the hostesses and internet services. Therefore the output of big brother was before you have finished your period.
At the entrance of the legislature LXXIV, then Coordinator of the parliamentary fraction of Morena, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla proposed to César Ocegueda to return to the Department of parliamentary services, approach that provoked the displeasure of his fellow Caucus, because of their history.
His last assignment was as technical Secretary of the Bureau of State coordination for peace-building and security in Michoacan, the Ministry of security and citizen protection of the Government of Mexico itself which concluded last March.
While his brother Pavel Aurelio, was publicly designated by several means of local communication, maintain a lavish salary as private Secretary, which was only 3 thousand dollars less than the Governor’s replacement, who won 45 thousand 546 pesos per month base and 61 thousand 736 compensation weights.
Pavel Oceguera Robledo was one of the figures of the Government with one of the highest salaries, earning 42 thousand 325 pesos more a compensation of 60 thousand 955 pesos, a total of 103 thousand 280 pesos a month, which equal to that of the Government Secretary and the Attorney Ge Neral of Justice.
Nepotism was evident since the arrival of Jara Guerrero to the Government of Michoacan, because within weeks of taking office, the former Governor was commissioned to distribute places in several units and notaries to close friends; Brothers Ocegueda Oaks were some of the beneficiaries, as in addition to the charges that each occupied during that short period, it also emerged that they would be benefited with a notary for each.
The surname Oceguera Robledo is well known in the media, rather than by the performance of the brothers as State officials, signs and scandals.
Now, César Aurelio returns to the Government of Michoacan, as head of the Department’s legislative liaison and registration issues.

Original source in Spanish

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