translated from Spanish: The AFIP claims über 358 million pesos

The Federal Administration of public income (AFIP) indicated that über passenger transport company owe a debt with the IRS for nearly 358.700.000 of weights, in respect of VAT, income and social security. The amount grew out of a work of joint control which carried out the General Department of taxation and the Directorate General of the resources of the Social Security, which threw a debt of 147,4 million pesos by VAT and profit, and another 211,3 million by the social security tax. The collector body left transcend that fiscal adjustment in national taxation became available by 147.493.678 AV, product of $67.042.581 in earnings and $80.451.097 of VAT tax.” “Despite having developed operations for million-dollar figures, registering a total absence of tax returns and tax payments by the group”, said sources of the organism. They also left to transcend that analysis of the movement of funds collected by the trips made in the country detected that money was transferred entirely to the outside through a corporate housing complex international. Subsequent to these transactions, the percentage corresponding to each driver returned to the Argentina through at least three financial institutions. On the other hand, the Directorate General of the resources of the Social security of the AFIP established that über drivers are self-employed in relation of dependence and non-workers, as it holds the empresa.Como test of this relationship, the Agency said that the company determines the conditions in which drivers must provide the service through the application, fixed rate and travel, and can also “disconnect” to the driver.

Original source in Spanish

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