translated from Spanish: The US is the largest military budget in the world

Stockholm-United States is the country with largest military budget, the increase in 2018, according to information published by the International Institute of studies for the peace of Stockholm (SIPRI). For the first time in seven years, it came to $ 649 billion. Planetary defence during 2018 expenses increased 2.6% and came to 1.82 billion dollars, the highest level since 1988, in full Soviet ‘perestroika’ and a year before the fall of the Berlin wall, which put an end to the cold war.
In 2017, the report continues, world military spending had suffered an increase of 1.1%. Most of the increase is a result of increases in the United States and China, explained the Sipri.
“The rise in U.S. military spending is explained by implementation underway plans purchase of weapons by the Administration (of President Donald) Trump”, said Aude Fleurant, cited in a statement.

The US military budget is larger than the whole of the costs of the other eight countries more resources devoted to this same category.

China, whose military budget increased 83% since 2009, is the second country with higher costs in the sector and spent 1.9% of its GDP. Following Saudi Arabia, India and France, according to the SIPRI. Russia, meanwhile, comes out of the ‘Top five’ for the first time and appears relegated to sixth place, always according to the same source, that evokes the economic sanctions imposed since 2014 against Moscow by the conflict in the East of Ukraine, as a cause which forced to reduce expenses in defense.

Original source in Spanish

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