translated from Spanish: Deputies call 9 secretaries to appear for layoffs in Sader

Mexico City.-The Commission on Rural Development and Conservation, Agriculture and Food Self-Sufficiency, chaired by Congressman Eraclio Rodríguez Gómez (Morena), unanimously approved, calling nine secretaries of state to appear exercise of the budget in the Special Concurrent Programme (PEC) for Sustainable Rural Development.Agreed to send an office to the holder of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), Victor Manuel Villalobos Arámbula, to reconsider the dismissal the massive number of workers in the national unit, from July, in the face of the serious risk of crippled agricultural activities and ensuring the operability of the unit.

In addition, a working table was installed with the participation of the Sader and the secretariats of Finance and Public Credit, and of Governance to analyze the implementation and direction of the different programs serving the field. HELP US Click the Google News star and follow us
The hearing agreement states that the commission “has not received timely information from the different units on the exercise of expenditure adequately. In addition to countless complaints from hundreds of producers from across the Republic who have not been properly addressed.”

OutsideRs were concerned about the Lack of Staff of the Sader. | Reform

For this reason, the members of the committee endorsed the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies to manage the appearance of the owners of the Sader, Víctor Manuel Villalobos Arámbula; Carlos Urzúa Macías; Jorge Alcocer Varela; Maria Luisa Albores González; Javier Jiménez Espriú; Of the PIF, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán; román Mayer Falcón, of the Semarnat, Victor Manuel Toledo, and Rocío Nahle García, of Energía.The document highlights that “in the face of various calls from deputies to hold working meetings with the holders of the federal units, who have made ignored and, at best, have sent low-level officials, with whom decisions cannot be made.” The Presiding Deputy, Rodríguez Gómez, spoke out to defend the field in an integral way, in particular biosecurity and marketing. He proposed the decline of projects to deal with food production and the health of peasants. “It is urgent that the federal government intervene,” referring to the appearances of the secretaries of state.On the dismissal of a thousand 500 saders, demanded the Secretary of Agriculture, Villalobos Arámbula, “ensure the operability of the suspend the mass dismissal of employees to ensure proper functioning.”

Lawmakers asked not to dismantle the Sader. | Reform

The workers stop working this Friday. That means that next Monday “we will not have anyone to sign the export and import permits of the agricultural sector, to follow up on the management of the Mediterranean fly pest in Jalisco, Michoacán and Colima, and to the problem of swine fever registers in the northern part of the country.” He asked not to jeopardize the health status that the country has achieved. Unable to exercise the budget, it implies “a dismantling of the government apparatus”. He clarified that they don’t ask people not to be fired, “What’s not worth is running all people. If they say there is corruption and aviators, cut them off, but we cannot deal with everyone on the same standard and jeopardize the operation of the Sader and the countryside,” he warned. De Morena, Deputy Manuel García Corpus expressed concern about the dismissal of Sader workers in the face of paralysis that may be recorded. “Older officials can determine not to hire anyone, but we have the right to warn what can happen; if there is violence, migration, poverty and general unrest in the countryside, this will increase. Members are concerned about what is being done because of the consequences that may be recorded.” For the PAN, the absalón García Ochoa urged the holder of the Sader to appear and regretted the lack of response. He highlighted the serious problem facing the Mexican countryside, as the budget to curb pests, displace crops and deliver fertilizers has not arrived in a timely manner. There is uncertainty about the demise of the Agency for Marketing and Development of Agricultural Markets (Aserca). MPut Jorge Eugenio Russo Salido of MC regretted that no adequate and real measures are taken to advance and ensure food production. He stressed the importance of federal officials appearing before the commission and knowing the resources they offer to amend existing pyphys. Jesús Salvador Minor Mora, MP of Morena, criticized the peasants being allowed to travel to the capital of the country to demand solutions to their problems, because state officials have no interest in doing so. It demanded to address pest control and monitor compliance with health regulations, because if it did not, the consequences will be disastrous for food production. He said research and technology transfer facilities have been abandoned. From Movimiento Ciudadano, the legislator Juan Martín Espinoza Cárdenas urged the appearance of the secretaries of Agriculture and Finance and Public Credit, to explain “why are they making so many drastic changes” that instead of strengthening the agribusiness Mexico are weakening it. He regretted the dismissal of Sader workers. He called for “goodwill and not acting by partisan colors, but for the unity of the field to support it.”

Original source in Spanish

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