translated from Spanish: COP25: commitment to the future

The latest UN report showed us that the emission reduction commitments adopted in the Pari Agreement they are not a guarantee to contain global warming. We are not a large emitter, but because of our wide variety of ecosystems, we are very vulnerable to polluting effects. The Conference of the Parties (COP25) to be held in Chile is a great opportunity for countries to adopt more ambitious goals, because being part of the agreement is much more than signing a document.
According to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), Chile contributes to the climate warming phenomenon with 0.25% of total emissions worldwide. In Latin America, 4.8% of these emissions are contributed, falling below countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. The global average CO2 emissions per person reach 4.5 tonnes, which puts us close to the global average at 4.4 tonnes per capita, but well below the average for OECD countries reaching 9.9 tonnes per person.
Our geographical position allows us to enjoy a high variety of ecosystems, often unique in the world, this is ideal for Tourism also becomes a weakness in adaptive terms. Measures need to be implemented and society engaged in the safeguarding of our natural ecosystems.
In December this year, Chile will host the most globally relevant Environment and Climate Change summit: the UN instance where representatives from 197 countries discuss and generate commitments to drive active policies that protect the planet. A great opportunity to permeate everyone on the importance of increasing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) mitigation actions.
In this sense, our country has the great opportunity to show results of its commitment to this cause, and in turn to claim the great powers, explicit and concrete actions. We are a small country, but we can say with ownership that we have made progress in mitigation and adaptation. However, the effort cannot fall only on our authorities, the call is to empower us as a society of actions that allow us to make our country increasingly sustainable, to value the small actions that add up can produce great changes, and mainly to take care of and value our natural ecosystems.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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