translated from Spanish: Constitutional Binominal: Mathematics of Evil Order

Mr. Director:
The rule of a Constituent Assembly that requires two-thirds to adopt a new Constitution is to revive the old binominalism with veto power or catastrophic tie of forces of a minority of one-third that endorses centralist neoliberalism with minor morigerations. The political and economic duopoly of the upper capital district knows mathematics, elusions, collusions, evasions and conspiracies to tarnish the moment of social, austere, green and federal transformations. That is, the reactionary sector on the right and part of the Concertación will block substantial changes even if 60 to 67 % of an elected AC favours a new model.
In AC’s comparative experience, the reforming sector grows, but there is change and continuity in representation. The signed thing will lead to crunch.
The controversial agenda is known and will oppose it to maintain the misorder of structural rabies. The majority will not be able to nationalize water and mining, they will continue to veto regional income and plurinational federalism, rights of nature, unicameralism, direct democracy and greater taxation for structural solidarity which is reaching a third of it. GDP, regional active role for industrialization, compulsory unions, end of super wages, Constitutional Court, COSENA, AFPs and military privileges.
An acceptable business, to avoid the fear of a majority who ravage and seek pact but without vetoes, is to encourage the articles to be approved with 3/5 (60%) but if there are two relevant positions with at least one third of THE AC, these options are consulted in the final plebiscite giving the decision-making power to the public.
The territorial social pact requires correcting this mathematics of the veto, advancing the plebiscite to January, ending privileges, negotiation with the Mapuche, end now outrageous evasions to raise pensions, along with regional and municipal income law.

Original source in Spanish

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