translated from Spanish: Deputies approve 4mmdp debt and refinancing for Michoacán

Morelia, Michoacán.- With a split vote, the Local Congress approved to contract debt for Michoacán in the amount of 4 billion pesos, proposed by the governor, Silvano Aureoles Conejo in the Income Law.
The attempt to have the opinion suspended by Morena, through a suspension motion by Fermín Bernabé Bahena, was scrapped. The legislator mentioned the “seriousness” of the opinion in violating Mexico’s Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Michoacán, the Financial Discipline Act, and the Organic and Procedures Act of Congress.
It followed the turn of Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, requested a motion for clarification to read articles 117 of the Mexican Constitution, and articles 22 and 23 of the Financial Discipline, which establish that a debt application must be voted on by the two third parties to Congress and not be included in the Revenue Act, which is voted by a simple majority – 50 percent plus 1 – so the brunette questioned under what criteria the debt would be voted on. What Ramírez Bedolla did not foresee is that his motion was only clarifying, but not suspensive and the session continued.
Already in discussing the opinion, again those of Morena took over the rostrum and it was uploaded by Coordinator Teresa López Hernández, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, Fermín Bernabé Bahena and Cristina Portillo Ayala. All three mentioned articles and figures questionable in the Revenue Act, unclear wording on collection mechanisms, lack of analysis for debt payment and destination and refinancing, the financial situation of the state that would not endure a the lack of information on the refinancing project, the ineffectiveness of the government to collect, and so on, all while the Secretary of State Finance, Carlos Maldonado, watched from the stands of the house.
Javier Paredes Andradre of the Parliamentary Representation was the one who moved the hornet when he reminded Cristina Portillo that the financial crisis in Michoacán began with requests for million-dollar debts requested by the former governor, Leonel Godoy Rangel and her distribution of educational places, a period in which the now-brunette was a public official.
Joined was joined by the Coordinator of the PRD, Araceli Saucedo Reyes, “The financial situation has a first and last name, for 7 billion and 11 billion debt. What this orphaned state of the federal government needs today is to find a way to support municipalities, the health sector, workers. The Federation has always treated Michoacán as a third-party state.”
Octavio Ocampo accused the more people of Morena of seeking an air of prominence, and Lucila Martínez questioned the inactivity of local deputies, to demand in the Congress of the Union to request federal resources and allocate them to the state, in the face of cuts from the federation.
The vote
National Action, Morena and two PPs (as the other two did not follow the 4T line) formed a block to not pass the debt application, however and despite the statement of reasons well formulated by Hugo Anaya Avila, the PRI , the Parliamentary Representation, the PRD and part of the PT, de-led the alliance and rejected the reservation of Articles 1 and 26 of the Revenue Act with 15 votes in favour and 18 against.
While Article 27 talking about the refinancing reserved by the petistas, it did not lose force and Teresa Mora Covarrubias asked not to leave a strong financial burden for the administrations to come, but the panistas did not support the cause and the reserve was rejected with 10 votes in favour and 24 against.
Thus, Michoacán was given a debt of 4.90 million pesos and a financial restructuring already acquired for 17 billion pesos.

Original source in Spanish

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