translated from Spanish: He’s eight years old and invested his savings so his mother can see Ricky Martin.

Thiago is eight years old, lives in the province of Córdoba and invested all his savings for a cause: that his mother, an oncology patient, meets the Puerto Rican singer, Ricky Martin.

The boy sent a breakfast for the team of Arriba Córdoba (El Doce), which is offering tickets and access to meet & greet to meet the artist, who will provide a show in the province on February 25th. Being a minor, Thiago could not contest but did find a way to get to the canal, and in addition to breakfast I send a letter telling their situation.

Thiaguito’s letter

“I brought a rich gift that I bought with my savings so they enjoy it. All I ask for my mommy to meet Ricky Martin. I can’t participate because I’m a little boy. I don’t come with my savings to buy him the ticket. And the gift I would give Mommy is eternal life and a strong embrace of Ricky,” she said in the letter. Because Mommy’s sick with a brain tumor, cancer. She cries a lot when she’s pricked with needles and me and my brothers when we put Ricky Martin on her, my mommy laughs with me, she’s happy. I’m asking for help mommy knows and hugking him. Just, please. God and the virgin help me. Mommy would give you eternal life,” the boy closes. The letter was far-reaching on social media, where it continued with the impact that began on the show. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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