translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in Agentina: government enabled line 120 for containment

Argentina works to quell the coronavirus contagion curve. However, national authorities anticipate the peak of contagion in the coming days, so it works on a series of measures to contain “the wave” when the time comes.

In this scenario, the government enabled a new free counselling line to clear doubts and contain the population about COVID-19 and in the face of compliance with social isolation, mandatory and preventive. The Ministry of Health requested the National Communications Bureau (ENACOM) for authorization, “on a temporary manner and during the period following the state of emergency, a single abbreviated number so that the Ministry can address the COVID-19 issues in a specific way”.

Director of ENACOM communicated the provision of the toll-free line 120

In this regard, the provision of toll-free line 120 was specified in Resolution 361/2020 published on Friday in the Official Gazette with the purpose of providing “attention, containment and evacuation of coVID-19-related doubts”.” In order to take care of the attention of the rest of the health issues that may affect the population, through the channels currently enabled, the temporary establishment of a new Special Service Code to address the problem in a specific way is considered relevant”, says the COMmuniqué of ENACOM.abe highlighting that line 120 operates free of charge from any telephone (fixed, mobile, public, etc.) of the Argentine Republic and that it works simultaneously with the numbers that were made available to the provinces. In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, line 107 receives about 2,000 daily calls. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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