translated from Spanish: Morelia government approaches to the target of 35,000 pantries delivered to vulnerable sectors

Morelia, Michoacán.- The Government of Morelia, with the collaboration of employees from various units, increased during this weekend the delivery of pantries of the food safety program, thus being close to meeting the goal of the delivery of 35 thousand support in April and thus ensuring the well-being of the most vulnerable citizens , as reported in a statement.
 In order to intensify the process of dedication and assistance to the citizens, the municipal president, Raúl Morón Orozco, requested the creation of brigades of workers of the City Council, so that with strict adherence to health measures, they would participate in the delivery of food packages.
 For the above, staff of the Secretariat of Economic Development, DIF Morelia, the Secretariat of Urban Planning and Public Works, the Municipal Women’s Institute for Substantive Equality, the Secretariat for Rural Development and Environment, the Operator Agency for Drinking Water, Sewerage and Sanitation, as well as the Ministry of Tourism and Municipal Treasury, were deployed throughout the municipality to help people in vulnerable areas.
 Colonies such as Villas del Sol, Jaujilla, Eduardo Ruiz, Tierra y Libertad, Agua Clara, Morelos, Unión Popular Solidaria, Gertrudis Bocanegra, Adolfo López Mateos, Loma Colorada, Nicolás Romero and Jardines de Guadalupe, were some of the beneficiaries of this movement.
 While the goal for this month has already been completed, the Government of Morelia is already working to increase its aid range to 50 thousand families by May, through the program “Haz Barrio Vale”, which calls for the solidarity of those in the possibility of helping other citizens and thus ensure the food of those who have the least.

Original source in Spanish

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