translated from Spanish: Colmed by hibernation: “It’s not going to help us beat the coronavirus, it’s just a measure of salvage”

“Several numbers are going to start to transparent, which were not entirely clear with Mañalich. As with the deceased, we are now seeing numbers (of contagions) closer to reality,” said the national secretary of the Medical College, José Miguel Bernucci, about the increase of 31,000 new infected people who must be added to the official figures today.
“We’re on a really complicated scenario. We are in our fifth week of quarantine and cases are kept over five thousand (a day). We have said that 3% to 5% of active cases that appear day by day, will be transformed into critical patients in 7 to 14 days thereafter. And with a private public network that’s about 96%-93% means we’re in the worst-case scenario,” he said in Radio Universe.
“The quarantine that is our final and most effective tool to reduce daily cases, in the fifth week is not being effective, we are in a chaotic, critical scenario and this concept of hibernation appears that is nothing more than to say that quarantine is being ineffective and we need to decrease mobility to how it occurs,” he said. “When you talk about quarantine internationally, you understand it from a massive curfew, as well as something more lax or almost false as happens in Santiago. Public Space hit the nail and when saying hibernation leaves no room for doubt.”
“But regardless of the name, what we need is for the concept of quarantine or decreased mobility to be effective. Mobility has to decrease yes or yes under 30%. If this does not happen, the number of total cases will not go down enough to get out of this crisis. If lowering mobility by 30% is called hibernation, the truth is that we agree with that,” he said.
“Quarantine or hibernation or full curfew is not going to help us beat the coronavirus. This is just a measure of salvage to be able to get out of an increase in cases that will cause us to collapse the health system,” he warned. “In all the countries where quarantine has been done, at the time of lifting it there is always a res up, in some even worse than previous. What we’ve been learning with the weeks is that if we don’t break the chain of contagion, the communication of contagion, that re-break is going to appear yes or yes. And the only way is to be very aggressive in going looking for those cases, tracking cases and their contacts and if a new symptomatic appears isolate him and isolate the contacts again.”
“If we don’t do that, both quarantined and in cities where we have little contagion, we’re not going to avoid post-confinement, then the truth is that they’re complementary things we require to do. And there are the health residences that there is empowering.”
Bernucci said expanding the test amount “is the only efficient way in the world.” “The previous Administration of Minsal attempted herd immunity, which has failed in the world and already with water up to his neck, an attempt was made – without the necessary force – a measure of TTA (trace, treat and isolate).”
“We seem to test a lot but the truth is that it is not and this is because with a positivity of up to 40 or 60% of a few days, the amount of test is being insufficient. We need to do three, four or five more times. In addition, 85% of tests are done in MRI. That is, for 9 million Chileans there are only 15% of the tests. Not only are we testing few numbers, but we are testing unevenly at the region level.”
Intradomiciliary infections

Asked about where the contagions are occurring, Bernucci said that in his experience at the former Central Postal, “in the most vulnerable people there is a large intradomyciliary contagion, seven or eight people live in a house and if one asks them if someone else is infected, they say that all eight are infected and three hospitalized. Faced with that reality, that there are eight infected and three basses in an umbrella.”
“On other levels public transport and common spaces are the great form of contagion,” he added. “But at the low socioeconomic level, it is home co-infection, which plays a rather predominant role.”

Faced with the consultation of his opinion against the use of dexamethasone, which England decided to supply to thousands of patients, Bernucci replied: “The word is no. The dexamethasone we’ve been occupying it for a while. Corticosteroids in severe pneumonia have been used for quite some time. In the former Posta we used it a long time ago, but it is not a miracle drug.”
“The people who use it managed to demonstrate andn a paper that those who receive dexamethasone do better than those who do not, but it is far from defeating the Covid.”

Original source in Spanish

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